K Beatty

RadLimits Hardwiring Institutions – Your Ideas

The following are excerpts of content from the 2022 RadLimits petition initiative on hard-wiring certain public anchor institutions. If you have suggestions for improvement, please share. Your comments may not be posted as discussed here. However, just in case, please insert an asterisk (*) in front of your comment if you would like to have

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RadLimits on Wireless Facilities – Your Ideas

The following are excerpts of content from the 2022 RadLimits petition initiative on limiting radiation from wireless facilities — keep in mind this MUST STICK TO RADIATION LIMITS and avoid all other questions such as appearance or property value. This is a requirement of the petition initiative, to stick to one topic. If you have

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RadLimits Public Information – Your Ideas

The following are excerpts of content from the 2022 RadLimits petition initiative on making information on wireless facilities (or any antenna) available to the public. If you have suggestions for improvement, please share. Your comments may not be posted as discussed here. However, just in case, please insert an asterisk (*) in front of your

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MA Legislation Timeline – RFR

Please let me know of anything to add! MA RADIOFREQUENCY RADIATION (WIRELESS, ELECTRICITY) LEGISLATION Prepared by Kirstin Beatty ~ please note that my bills are initially idealistic, but become more practical with time. Note that the Massachusetts legislature decisions are tightly controlled by leadership – advancing legislation without the support of the House Speaker is

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Kirstin Beatty