Please let me know of anything to add!


Prepared by Kirstin Beatty ~ please note that my bills are initially idealistic, but become more practical with time. Note that the Massachusetts legislature decisions are tightly controlled by leadership – advancing legislation without the support of the House Speaker is nearly impossible as legislators can lose staff, bonuses, and support for other bills.

Support for legislation has varied extensively. Legislators still may be confused on what bills entail as there are hundreds.

Note the timeline is in reverse order from present to past, and bills introduced in earlier years are usually only listed in the year introduced. The timeline helps to show where support exists among legislators, and where more education is needed, and possibilities for legislation.


Please see the legislation page at Last Tree Laws to see relevant legislation submitted by several legislators in January of 2023 for the 2023 through 2024 session – the list may expand.

In addition, please see the page for initiative petitions for ballot questions, to see a related petition to limit radiation from our electronic devices.


* KIRSTIN BEATTY, resident, finalizes law to limit non-ionizing radiation use and exposures. Feedback is provided by KENT CHAMBERLAIN, O.W., S.F, N.B., C.K, P.M., & J. (D/K if they’d wish to be listed). Submitted as petition initiative, but not certified because one part, disease investigation, was considered an extra part outside the scope of limiting exposures. Working on resubmission for 2023 with info at

* KIRSTIN BEATTY prepared 3 types of AMENDMENTS for 2022: (1) a set of amendments for S. 186, which is an investigation of non-ionizing radiation impacts, to improve transparency, add wider representation, etc.; (2) general amendments for wired broadband; and (3) amendments to revise H. 3309 above by curtailing the smart grid in favor of security and safety. If S. 186 and H. 3309 cannot be revised, Beatty recommends opposing these bills, the former since Governor Baker would make appointments and has previously favored industry. Lobbying for amendments requires educating legislators on the issue and the amendments. Coordinating support for these amendments is likely something legislators must do among themselves.


*REP. PATRICIA DUFFY with Beatty introduces H. 107, An Act regulating privacy and technology in education, which requires that PreK-12 and higher education data collection be minimal, necessary and serve an educational purpose. Institutions are to set data processing agreements with providers and minimize technology use.

* H.112 An Act hard-wiring state offices and investing in hard-wired communications, to invest in wired tech at Massworks, Massachusetts Broadband Institute, the executive office of info tech, the director of wireless & telecommunications. The MBI board constitution is changed to bring in public health and privacy advocates. The Ed. commissioner is to develop a plan to hard-wire public educational institutions. Also requires an annual, public audit report from telecommunication companies and utilities, and sets penalties for lack of compliance, changing from an optional audit. The bill is submitted by request for BEATTY but dies.

* H. 114, An Act studying technology impacts on police, firefighters, and emergency and security personnel, invites first responders to examine how to address health impacts of technology with a few experts and a black lives matter representative. The bill is submitted by request for BEATTY but dies.

* H. 113, An Act requiring wireless insurance, requires providers of antennas for telecommunication, video, and television providers carry insurance, including commercial liability without an exclusion for health impacts. Personal devices and appliances are exempted. The bill is submitted by request for BEATTY but dies.

* H. 109, An Act improving non-ionizing radiation regulation and monitoring, supports reporting of all cellular infrastructure with names of owners, etc., public mapping of sites, qui tam exposure monitoring, state exposure monitoring, a public listing of consultants, dedicated monitoring employees, and allows for state fines — adaptation of original statutes. The bill is submitted by request for BEATTY but dies.

* H.111 An Act requiring better power quality and reduced radiation from utility infrastructure requiring utilities protect privacy and insure electromagnetic public exposures fall within ranges of ‘slight concern’ based on Building Biology guidelines. The bill is submitted by request for BEATTY but dies.

* H. 106 An Act regulating screen time in early and K-12 education allowing school communities to set screen time limits and setting limits on screen time in early education. The bill requires that Massachusetts state standards remove mandates for screen time from PreK on up, unless specific to the subject. The bill is submitted by request for BEATTY but dies.

* H.110 An Act halting 5G high frequencies and close proximity antennas sets a timeline for removal of wireless facilities with a focus on 6 GHz frequencies and higher as well as for microcell removal. In the draft posted online at the MA legislature, a typo needs fixing and obscures the requirement for identification of detailed information on ownership of facilities, with fines for violations. An option is given to allow state certification for non-wireless products. The last section allows a lessee renting property and a mobile services customer to cancel the contract with service providers. The bill is submitted by request for BEATTY but dies.

* REP. KENNETH GORDON’S H. 3309 advances but is PROBLEMATIC bill and finally dies at the last minute. The carrot is inclusion of a section to allow individual opting out of wireless smart meter connections, though for a fee. The Trojan Horse is every distribution company must implement the ‘smart’ grid or advanced metering infrastructure, which passes the liability buck from utilities to the state. Utilities have already received the same or more from the MA DPU, but legislators need to reverse the DPU’s allowances and reverse the wireless, digital grid to protect safety and security.


* H. 587, An Act reducing public school non-ionizing radiation and wireless exposures, states that SCHOOLS SHALL, WHERE POSSIBLE, REDUCE EXPOSURES: turn off wireless and hard-wire the Internet; set aside a segregated area for equipment; confine wireless to after-school hours. Every school shall have a policy, subject to review by stakeholder committee, to check and mitigate exposures from wireless & electricity. Also, changes to the department of education’s brief mission include environmentally healthy school buildings. The bill, submitted by request by KIRSTIN BEATTY, is sent to study.

In 2021-2022, an altered version is submitted by REP. PATRICIA DUFFY and KIRSTIN BEATTY, H. 105, An Act reducing non-ionizing radiation such as wireless from early to higher education, that requires, as within financial means: reducing non-ionizing radiation, hard-wiring broadband services, and establishing monitoring systems and best practices education in public schools and higher education. Objectives and progress are to be set and used for accountability. Boards from early to higher education are to create guidelines and require those easy and cheap to do, setting reasonable deadlines for all other recommendations. Cell towers and similar telecommunications antennas are prohibited on the grounds of public institutions and schools.

Also, in 2021-2022, section 10 of H. 112, which BEATTY submits by request, requires the secretary of education coordinate a plan to hard-wire public education facilities, reduce non-ionizing radiation, and support professional development for safer and critical use of technology.

* S 1867, An Act Reducing Library Non-Ionizing Radiation Exposures from Wireless and Electricity, submitted by request by BEATTY, allows state library grants to be given to hard-wire libraries and is sent to study, and resubmitted as part of a larger bill.

* S. 207, submitted by request by BEATTY and cosponsored by REP. CARLOS GONZALEZ, is An Act ensuring safer technology investment by the Massachusetts Broadband Institute and adds accountability, safety & security to MBI mandate; requires use of funds for maintaining reliable, hard-wired grid & for hard-wiring public spaces; restricts monopoly; requires transparency; allows MBI neglect of mission to be a cause of action; et cetera, and is sent to study, perhaps as changes are too fair (e.g. transparency) and wide ranging.

* H. 2011, An Act Providing for environmental risk fact sheets from the Department of Public Health, submitted by request by BEATTY, requires the dept. of public health to prepare & publish fact sheets on environmental health risks wireless, electricity, and screen time within one year; rely on non-industry experts and credible science; name authors of fact sheets; and continue to prepare fact sheets on environmental health concerns submitted by the public or refuse in a reasoned public written statement. The bill is filed since the dept. of health has refused to acknowledge and reportedly refused to release fact sheets on non-ionizing radiation risks.

* S 1273, An Act banning especially dangerous wireless facilities, emissions, and products, to set a timeline to ban small cell towers in front of homes and allow banning of other items deemed dangerous. The bill submitted by request for BEATTY is sent to study.

* S 1272, submitted by request by BEATTY and cosponsored by REP. CARLOS GONZALEZ (D), is An Act registering wireless facilities to allow for monitoring and to ease access to contact information and creates a map and registers wireless facilities in a joint effort of the MA Broadband Institute and radiation department, with fees set by the department. A statement is added to the state radiation department statutes to acknowledge wireless and electricity can be harmful.

* S 294, An Act Limiting school screen time, removes state mandate requiring students to use technology (this begins in Pre-K) and allows schools to set school screen time limits. This bill submitted by request for BEATTY goes to study.

* S 295, An Act Accounting for technological privacy and safety in schools with local and state committees, adds accountability with local committees to monitor school privacy, safety policies & develop safer technology curriculum. State committee convenes to provide models and assistance. This bill submitted by request for BEATTY goes to study.

* H 588, An Act Requiring privacy protections and supporting safer technology in schools, allows opt outs of technology by students/parents for privacy/safety/clout; recommends hard-wiring; makes illegal misuse of school data (e.g. for political ID, marketing, & abuse); restricts data retention to that necessary for education. This bill submitted by request for BEATTY goes to study.

* H 2888 and H 2840, to correct false financial reporting of the National Grid smart meter pilot program being misused to assert cost-savings of wireless utility infrastructure, are submitted by request for residents PATRICIA BURKE and PAMELA STEINBERG. These do not advance and are not resubmitted.
* Based on constituent concerns, SEN. JOHN F. KEENAN (D), REP. BRUCE AYERS (D), REP. TACKEY CHAN (D), & REP. DANIEL HUNT (D) introduce S. 1982 to require approval from locally elected bodies for railway antennas exclusively in the communities of Quincy, Braintree, Holbrook, Abington, & Rockland, which is sent to study, resubmitted in 2021-2022 and sent to study again.

* A problematic bill is introduced by REP. BRADLEY JONES (R), REP. BRADLEY HILL (R), REP. E. POIERER(R), REP. S. GIFFORD (R), REP. PAUL FROST (R), REP. TODD SMOLA (R), REP. RANDY HUNT, REP. STEVEN HOWITT, REP. MATTHEW MURATORE (R), REP. MICHAEL SOTER (R), REP. JAMES KELCOURSE (R), SEN. BRUCE TARR (R): H.383, An Act relative to a 5G technology task force, for a commission of Big Telecom interests, executive officers, and legislators to DRAFT 5G DEPLOYMENT legislation and regulations ‘fairly’. H. 383 is promoted by Cece Doucette and opposed by Kirstin Beatty who launches a campaign through Last Tree Laws against H. 383. Concerned the bill will advance, Kirstin Beatty proposes amendments to change the purpose to an investigative commission that includes stakeholders such as unions. The bill moves forward through several committees until halting in the House Ways and Means. (a 2020 version – scroll down for draft)

The bill is reintroduced in 2021-2022 with fewer sponsors; REP. MARIE DUAIME ROBINSON (D) joins as a cosponsor but the bill dies.


*Resident KIRSTIN BEATTY submits through her legislators, by request, S. 2080, including a HEALTH INSURANCE REQUIREMENT to cover: mitigation services for leukemia and lymphoma; patient education; diagnosis and treatment of sensitivity; nutritional assessment and treatment. The bill also includes quality controls on exposures in medical centers and nursing homes; recognition of electromagnetic sensitivity; and a requirement medicine is based on credible and current science. This bill is sent to study. In 2019-2020, a similar bill, S. 1271, An Act Educating patients on environmental risks such as wireless exposures, is filed and sent to study – this version added that a fair, vetted list of measurement and mitigation specialists for wireless and electricity be kept by the health department for the public. (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022)

An updated version submitted in the 2021-2022 session is sponsored by REP. PATRICIA DUFFY, but again is sent to study.

* Resident KIRSTIN BEATTY submits through her legislators S.2079, which the joint committee of public education moves forward and which establishes SCHOOL POLICY OF REDUCING NON-IONIZING RADIATION, rejecting cross-curricular technology requirements (to reduce exposures). The bill prohibits wireless devices and wireless transmissions on school grounds with rare exceptions and provides for graded penalties. An antenna deemed harmful by a medical doctor must be removed. A section allowed library grants to be used to hard wire public libraries. Sections are resubmitted as different bills, with penalties removed, in the following sessions.

As a senate bill, the decision for S. 2079 rested with the senate. Senate leadership of the education committee in the 2017-2018 session included CHAIR SEN. SONIA CHANG-DIAZ and VICE-CHAIR SEN. PATRICIA JEHLEN. Other senators on the committee included Senators Jason M. Lewis, Barbara A. L’Italien, Michael J. Barrett, and Patrick M. O’Connor. The bill was halted in the public health committee, where Kirstin was unable to testify in person. This and bill H. 2030 below received significant testimony in support from scientists and doctors such as Dr. Devra Davis. However, in 2017 this bill and S. 2080, on health insurance, are not noted in early press releases.

* Spurred by constituents, REP. CAROLYN DYKEMA (D) introduces H. 2030, which continues to REQUIRE WIRELESS INSTALLATIONS BUT allows for ‘BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES’ for wireless as decided by state education boards. The bill receives an extension before being halted and is resubmitted for 2019-2020 and again sent to study. Kirstin Beatty is a critic from 2019 because of the wireless installation requirements, while Cece Doucette is a proponent. At the end of 2020, Kirstin and a constituent meet with Rep. Dykema, who is reluctant to resubmit the bill and states she will only submit the same bill for continued wireless and will not make changes. Pressed for action, Rep. Dykema submits the bill without changes, except the title, which is sent to study for 2021-2022, when Rep. Dykema leaves the legislature for a new job. From 2017 – 2021, cosponsors include current REP. THOMAS STANLEY (D), REP. JAMES HAWKINS (D), SEN. BRUCE TARR (R), REP. LINDSEY SABADOSA (D), SEN. JO COMERFORD (D) REP. KENNETH GORDON (D), & REP DYLAN FERNANDEZ (D), REP. JACK LEWIS (D), SEN. MICHAEL MOORE (D), REP. ANGELO PUPPOLO (D).

In 2017, both education bills H. 2030 and S. 2079 were moved forward by the joint committee of education, but only H. 2030 advanced past the joint committee of public health and then was halted by the joint committee on health care financing. Senate leaders of the joint committee of public health included chair SEN. JASON M. LEWIS and vice-chair SEN. PAUL FEENEY. (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022)

* SEN. JULIAN CYR (D) and REP.S SARAH PEAKE (D) and TIMOTHY WHELAN (R) sponsor S.107 which requires manufacturer warnings for wireless devices be easy to see and read before purchase. This bill does not move forward, but in 2018 is revised entirely with S. 108, below, for a new draft that recommends studying warnings and other questions (see S. 2431). (2017 – 2018)

* SEN. JULIAN CYR (D) and REP. TIMOTHY WHELAN (R) introduce S.108 for a warning label, on all wireless devices sold, that wireless exposures may exceed federal guidelines when close to the body – this is modeled on a Berkeley, CA, ordinance. Still, Sen. Cyr resubmits S. 108 in 2019-2020 as S. 139 with cosponsors Rep. Bradford Hill (R), Sen. Bruce Tarr (R), Sen. Michael Moore (D). The bill is resubmitted by Sen. Cyr alone in 2021-2022 as S.187. However, September 17, 2020, the industry lobby CTIA wins a ruling against Berkeley when Judge Edward Chen rules that a warning label constitutes ‘overwarning’ and, since Berkeley chooses not to appeal, the decision stands although the decision may have had the possibility of being overturned. This means that a Massachusetts bill for a warning label might also be contested.

In 2021, Pittsfield City Councilors Peter White and Anthony Maffucio submit testimony in support of S.187 for a wireless right to know and S.186 for an investigative commission. (2017 – 2018) (2019 – 2020)

* In 2017, S. 2431 results from 2017 – 2018’s S. 107 and S. 108 into a bill to study potential wireless regulation, including study of the costs of warning labels – although, some advocates oppose the bill. This bill derives from the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure, which reportedly hired a research analyst recommended by the Department of Health. In 2019-2020 SEN. JULIAN CYR (D) submits this bill anew as S.129 and REP. JACK LEWIS (D) submits this as H. 2885. In 2021-2022, the bill is resubmitted as S. 186. Each time, the bill moves forward, although halted in 2019 possibly due to opposition from some advocates. (2019-2020) (2019-2020) (2021-2022)

In addition to other sponsors, a new sponsor for the above bills is REP. KIPP A. DIGGS (D). Senate leadership of the committee which moved these bills forward included chair SEN. BARBARA A. L’ITALIEN (D) and senate vice-chair SEN. NICK COLLINS (D) in 2017 – 2018; senate chair SEN. PAUL FEENEY (D) & vice-chair SEN. JAMES T. WELCH (D) in 2019 – 2020; and senate chair SEN. SUSAN L. MORAN (D) and vice-chair SEN. PAUL FEENEY (D) in 2021 – 2022.

AMENDMENTS for the above commission bill are proposed online at Last Tree Laws for 2022, including previous suggestions for amendment work that began in 2019. Kirstin Beatty prepared amendments due to concerns such as potential conflicts of interest or lack of a broad base of stakeholders. (2022 AMENDMENTS)

2015 FALL

The ballot question committee Citizens for Safer Radiation Technology is formed and chaired by residents KIRSTIN BEATTY and PATRICIA BURKE to pass an investigative commission bill modeled on Beatty’s 2015 bill. The legislative proposal is approved by Attorney General Maura Healey’s office, but does not gather enough signatures.


3 more bills are introduced in the MA state legislature, by request, which fail to move forward in 2015. Through then Sen. Donald Humason (R), resident KIRSTIN BEATTY submits SD. 2256, a short bill to require physician training ‘on non-ionizing radiation and electrohypersensitivity’ by request. As is, this bill is not resubmitted in following sessions.

At Kirstin’s suggestion, Kirstin Beatty and Cece Doucette work on commission legislation, but not together (neither mentioned to each other their work). KIRSTIN BEATTY submits by request hefty commission bill SD. 2212 which fails to move and she does not resubmit as it overreaches for the time and state in proposing a commission to consider full or partial bans and develop new guidelines, labeling, and limits.

Sen. Karen Spilka (D), works with and submits, by request of CECE DOUCETTE, the more manageable S.1222 to investigate wireless health impacts although this bill fails to prevent conflicts of interest. In the 2017-2018 state session, SEN. KAREN SPILKA sponsors the same bill as S.1268, amended with a brief conflicts of interest clause although still lacking transparency or enforcement measures. Cosponsors are REP. JACK LEWIS (D), SEN. JAMES ELDRIDGE (D), SEN. BRUCE TARR (R), and REP. KEVIN KUROS (R). The bill is reported favorably by the Joint Committee of Public Health, moving forward until halted in the committee on Senate Rules. Senator Karen Spilka becomes President of the Senate in the next session, and cannot the sponsor this bill. As is, the bill is not resubmitted.


MA state REP. THOMAS CONROY (D) and SEN. JAMES ELDRIDGE sponsor H. 2926, and from 2015 to the present SEN. MICHAEL MOORE is the lead sponsor of a bill to allow free use of non-transmitting electromechanical meters which continues to be sent to study to present day. Resident PEGGY PATTON and others help draft the bill. Worcester resident LES SAFFER, aside from groups like Worcester Opts Out, Halt Smart Meters Massachusetts, and Worcester Info Team for Health, is credited with persuading Senator Moore. Despite failing to move forward, the bill continues to gain sponsors such as running for office in 2022: former representative GEOFF DIEHL and current REP. TAMI GOUVEIA, and REP. DIANE DIZIGLIO.


Other sponsoring senators who continue to serve include: BRUCE E. TARR (R), JO COMERFORD (D)


State REP. DAVID PAUL LINSKY introduces H. 2901 for a special commission to study the effect of fields from electricity emanating from overhead or other electric transmission wires due to a cancer cluster in his district, cosponsored by REP. ANNE GOBI (D), SEN. KAREN SPILKA (D), and SEN. JAMES ELDRIDGE (D). Sadly, Linksy includes representatives of the American Cancer Society and Environmental League of Massachusetts, which have conflicts of interest. The bill continues to be filed and sent to study to the present day.



Constituent DONALD KUSSER first introduces and continues to introduce S. 155, An Act to regulate the sale and use of microwave ovens to prevent leakage, sale of dysfunctional ovens, ovens sized to allow pets inside, and owning more than one. The bill is introduced by request though legislators Sen. John Keenan and Rep. Michael Morrissey and continues to be introduced but has never advanced.

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Kirstin Beatty