RadLimits Tech Design – Your Suggestions

The following are excerpts of content from the 2022 RadLimits petition initiative on improving tech design. If you have suggestions for improvement, please share. Your comments may not be posted as discussed here. However, just in case, please insert an asterisk (*) in front of your comment if you would like to have your comment publicly posted.

Technology corporations, including internet services providers and product manufacturers, must universally limit non-ionizing radiation including power density or fields, interference, and signaling to the minimum required for operation of their products, including as used in appliances and personal devices.

Without preventing access to personal wireless services, non-ionizing radiation exposures must be limited to ‘As Low as Reasonably Achievable’ or ‘ALARA’ and ‘As Safe as Reasonably Achievable’ or ‘ASARA’ based on the guidance of current, independent science and software and technological capabilities, including but not limited to as follows:

  • 1) require product and software design that reduces the density or ‘amount’ of non-ionizing radiation, and selection thereof regarding installation;
  • (2) require all new mobile phones and other wireless devices – including but not limited tolaptops, hearing aids, TVs, and tablets – come equipped with updated software that can:
  • (3) stop radiating when positioned against the body;
  • (4) include a soft key that easily allows all wireless transmissions to be halted;
  • (5) except for cellphones and related devices primarily for mobile communications, set factory and default mode to wired connectivity;
  • (6) except for cellphones and related devices primarily for mobile communications, require wireless functionality be an opt-in service;
  • (7) include a soft key for a mode that only receives and does not transmit;
  • (8) insure that digital connectors prevent leakage;
  • (8) protect power quality, including compliance with electrical code standard IEEE 519, that may be disrupted by wireless transmissions or use of inverters and transformers.

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Kirstin Beatty