Note: I’m seeking a research article on cell towers written by a Massachusetts state head of public health, around the 1980s – please let me know if found. Please send more events to be added if I’ve time and if found suitable. Lastly, please remember to credit my work if using this timeline.


 Prepared by Kirstin Beatty, blog at, director of Last Tree Laws 
Bolded sections are simply new


The PAVE PAWS RADAR INSTALLATION to detect missiles is established near Bourne, Barnstable County, on Cape Cod and uses ultra-wide band technology (which can be used for ‘5G’). In a 2002 public meeting on the subject, Dr. Richard Albanese appears to suggest that the government has studies indicative of brain cancer risk from the radar installation that he cannot discuss — Dr. Richard Albanese and Kurt Ougstun have both engaged in research on the qualities of ultra-wide band technology (UWB). Oughstun says the UWB has unusual properties and unusual strength, including a Brillouin precursor. Many residents are concerned, but scientific studies find ‘nothing’, perhaps since science is a multi-billion industry dependent on politics, military and industry. (March/April 2022, Microwaves News Vol. XXII No. 2)
David Michaels, former Assistant Secretary of Labor for US Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), et cetera, author of Doubt is Their Product:


BOSTON PHYSICIANS sign a Petition to Avert Harmful, Public Exposure to Pulsed Microwave Radiation that states:
We the undersigned physicians and scientists call upon public health officials to intervene to halt the initiation of communication transmissions employing ground level, horizontally transmitted, pulsed microwaves in Boston. This form of transmission is scheduled to begin June, 1997, by the Sprint Corporation for personal communications systems (PCS). Given the biological plausibility of negative health impacts, particularly to the human nervous system, as well as anecdotal evidence of illness and death from such exposures in cities where transmission has already been implemented, and voluminous medical studies indicating human and ecological harm from microwaves, we urge the suspension of that implementation pending full public notification of its potential hazards and the full review and determination of its safety by the scientific community.


After reading “A Clear Call” on wireless by Blake Levitt of the Berkshire-Litchfield Environmental Council, Virginia and Sheldon Hines begin fighting against installation of antennas in a Concord church steeple, losing but in the end passing a town moratorium, a protective ordinance and forming a local, state and national group. In January 2020, their local and national group sponsored a forum called Technology in Our Midst.



Diane Warren and Peggy Patton began fight antenna installation in a Wayland church, taking the question to a special town meeting vote to amend bylaws where the application is denied. Residents were also persuaded by MIT professor and founder of BOSE Electronics Corporation DR. AMAR BOSE who was captured on videotape: “I am now convinced that there is a real danger from electromagnetic radiation. I do not believe today that anybody with good grounding in science can refute the credibility of some of the research papers I have seen.”

Diane Warren went on to work with Janet Newton at the EMR Policy Institute. Peggy went on with colleagues to found Halt Ma Smart Meters, working with MACI, the Mass. Assoc. for the Chemically Injured and Worcester Opts Out, and further to draft legislation to halt ‘smart’ meters, a bill which still has not been passed.


Thea Fornier and Julie Riccardi establish a website to fight antennas to be placed on Steven’s Historic Mill on the North Shore. Thea starts the N. Andover Rights of Citizens (NARC) and Community Against Radiation Exposure (CARE). Despite success stopping a number of antennas, a church near Thea ignores concerns and installs antennas. Thea installs shielding in her office to block exposures.


A professional engineer, Bernie Young of Dennisport, finds 10 residents with EWING’S SARCOMA, a rare cancer, are all in locations in direct line of sight and at high elevation on a plateau from the Pave Paws radar.


The smart grid turns on in Sandaura’s town, emits a HUMMING SOUND, and she begins hiring expensive experts and fighting to prove humming is evidence the smart grid injects illegal and harmful frequencies onto the electric wires.


Founders of Massachusetts-based PITI THEATRE, a roving performance group, begin to learn about the electromagnetic sensitivity as a founder and Swiss choreographer, dancer and visual artist Godeliève Richard becomes sensitive. Piti Theatre begins writing relevant drama such as To Bee or Not to Bee (appropriate for children) and in 2022 streaming on demand Canary in a Gold Mine, their story.


DUE TO A CANCER CLUSTER IN HIS DISTRICT, state Rep. David Paul Linsky introduces a bill to study power lines and electrical wiring health impacts, initially with other sponsors, and continues each following legislative session without success.


WORCESTER IS THE ‘LAB RAT’ FOR A PILOT OF ‘SMART’ WIRELESS, DIGITAL UTILITY METERS – health & privacy impacts are ignored despite concerns raised by Halt MA Smart Meters and others. The cost is c. 45 million to trial 15,000 meters. (see 2018 March)


BECAUSE OF CONSTITUENT WIRELESS, DIGITAL UTILITY METER COMPLAINTS, MA state Rep. Thomas Conroy (D) and Sen. James Eldridge sponsor H. 2926, and from 2015 to present Senator Michael Moore is the lead sponsor of a bill to allow free use of non-transmitting electromechanical meters, which continues to be sent to study to present day. In 2022, the bill has 10 sponsors, several running for office (Hinds, Gouveia, DiZiglio).


The cities of BOSTON and PHILADELPHIA file in FCC docket 13-84 to say that disability and electromagnetic sensitivity remain unaddressed and that some clearly suffer.


The MA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES FIRST HOLDS HEARINGS ON WIRELESS, DIGITAL UTILITY METERS: docket 12-76. In Boston, detailed testimonies are given of harm, with the EMR Policy Institute submitting c. 20 documents alone, and online many more comments filed of personal harm alongside several expert comments. Industry consultant Peter Valberg, on the side of industry in many toxic torts, is the lone voice in favor, and he alone, despite requests by parties wishing to halt the meters, is permitted to join the DPU in a committee to push forward.


A group quickly forms, using, successfully stopping DOVER-SHERBORN Regional School from installing a cell tower.


HARVARD Edmund J Safra Center for Ethics publishes, by fellow Norm Alster: “CAPTURED AGENCY: How the Federal Communications Commission is Dominated by the Industries it Presumably Regulates” highlighting FCC corruption.


Parents of an 11-year-old sue the school for failing to accommodate their child’s sensitivity and forcing exposure to Wi-Fi frequencies. The court acknowledges the sensitivity, but does not allow damages as the child leaves the school and the court believes this settles the problem.


3 new bills are introduced in the MA state legislature including for physician training, all by request, but none move forward. Kirstin Beatty and Patricia Burke form a ballot question committee, Citizens for Safer Radiation Technology, for an investigative commission bill, but do not get enough signatures.


The ASHLAND, MA, SCHOOL COMMITTEE approves posting ‘best practices’ in every classroom: turning off unused devices and WiFi, keeping 12” distance from screens, placing mobile devices on solid surfaces, reminding and instructing students, and avoiding laptop use. The WORCESTER, MA, SCHOOL COMMITTEE adopts a similar policy May 2017.


Dr. Devra Davis, who examined the risks of chemicals and climate change on boards and committees under the Obama and Clinton administrations and who has shared a Nobel prize, presents at the MASSACHUSETTS STATEHOUSE on cellphone and wireless health impacts.


5 NEW WELL-INTENTIONED BILLS are introduced by Senator Cyr, Rep. Carolyn Dykema, and resident Kirstin Beatty (by request). Bills are for point of sale clear warnings, device warning labels, to continue but manage wireless with ‘best practices’, health insurance coverage of wireless and electricity exposure mitigation in lymphoma and leukemia (K.B.), and wireless prohibitions on school grounds (K.B.). Surprisingly, the last moves forward, alongside another bill to establish ‘best practices’ for wireless in schools. None pass.


[DE]PERSONALIZED [COMPUTER] LEARNING, where privatized computer software teaches and monitors students at the expense of human teaching, IS OPPOSED OVERWHELMINGLY by a GRASSROOTS vote at the Massachusetts Teachers Association, which votes for documentation of harm, research, and a web page to share findings. However, the MTA is a member of the NEA, which has signed off on ‘blended’ learning.


Verizon applies for a permit to test 5G UWB antennas for trials running 6 months from January 2, 2017 and running through June 2 in Natick and Brockton.


Residents begin informing the BOARD OF EDUCATION that non-ionizing radiation, especially wireless radiation, is harmful: Cece Doucette (28 Nov 2017); Ruth Rin (22 Jan 2019); Keith Marciniak (26 March 2019); Cece Doucette (23 Apr 2019); Cece Doucette (21 May 2019); Kirstin Beatty (8 August 2019).

Kirstin’s testimony is in writing at this link: and the others are at Cece’s youtube site under the playlist for school EMF presentations.

Of note, Board of Education chair Paul Sagan, who had been sharply criticized for charter school support and tied to EdTech interests, stepped down in March 2019. Secretary of Education and board member James Peyser, who has also been linked to tech interests, remains.


Verizon plans to deploy 7,000 to 10,000 ‘small cell’ antennas in BOSTON, which are cell tower antennas placed atop utility poles and similar structures and quite powerful – see map.


When a cell tower 200 feet from their home adds new equipment and 30 feet, Dana and Robert Strayton file a complaint stating that the emissions adversely impact Robert’s medical equipment. They lose as the Superior and Appeals Court agree that local authorities cannot consider environmental health impacts, nor can evidence be introduced at trial, as stated in section 704 of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996. [Side note: The most recent federal court case for Flower Hill, NY, stated that personal harm cannot be blocked by the act.]


The MASSACHUSETTS BREAST CANCER COALITION hosts Dr. Devra Davis, who shared a Nobel Prize with Al Gore as part of climate research and whose work has focused on toxins, to discuss the breast cancer connection to cellphones.


Verizon withdraws an application in BURLINGTON for small cells, which are cell tower antennas placed on light poles or similar, due to proposed annual recertification fees. Burlington finishes and adopts a new ordinance to limit these cells thanks to local advocates who admonish the town lawyer for kow-towing to industry.


16 WELL-INTENTIONED BILLS ARE FILED in the state legislature to minimize harm from non-ionizing radiation, 10 written by Kirstin Beatty. Several have NEW COSPONSORS, like Representative Carlos Gonzalez who cosponsors 2 bills for cell tower insurance and hard-wiring written by Kirstin. Among advocates divisions arise over support for bills that are potentially friendly to industry and Kirstin starts work on amendments.


PETER VALBERG, a frequent INDUSTRY CONSULTANT, TESTIFIES on the safety of electromagnetic radiation from a large solar project near a residential area and resident Thomas Hanson loses when the land court rules that the project is safe and that the town cannot restrict the installation’s location.


A public records request is denied to release a MA PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT mitigation fact sheet developed in 2016. A related bill to require release, filed by request by Kirstin Beatty, fails to move forward.


Verizon Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) – a new 5G band – deploys in parts of Boston such as FENWAY PARK, some universities, c. 19 November. GILETTE STADIUM, of the New England Patriots, has the service by the start of the season. The Pave Paws radar also uses UWB.


August 26th the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts agrees with the City of CAMBRIDGE, MA, that it has the right to identify at any time deficiencies in cellular applications and deny them on that basis.


In May, a GRADIENT team led by PETER VALBERG releases a report stating that the MAYFLOWER WIND project electromagnetic fields are safe as long as below 2,000 milligauss, despite commonly accepted wisdom to the contrary – in fact, in 2006 the Connecticut Department of Public Health in 2006 was sharply critical of a report by Valberg supporting 100 milligauss as a limit. Despite conventional levels of exposure below 1 milligauss, the report states that the buried cables in roads, parking lots, and medians will be safe due to being ≤500 milligauss or, on the beach, ≤10 milligauss. (CT Department of Health incident)


BOSTON files in FCC docket 19-226 that it “believes the concerns of the public are real and that the Commission has done a disservice to itself, local government, consumers, and even the wireless industry8 in failing to understand and respond to the broadly shared mistrust of the safety of RF [wireless] emissions.”


The MASSACHUSETTS ASSOCIATION FOR BOARDS OF HEALTH includes a legal discussion of blocking cell towers based upon health risks on the last 4 pages of its’ Legal Handbook and Public Health Guidebook for Massachusetts Boards of Health.


After testimony by Dr. Cindy Russell and Dr. David Carpenter to the MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY, an amended version of a wireless resolution introduced by resident Dr. Lisa Nagy is adopted:

“That the Massachusetts Medical Society supports continuing research, including quality epidemiologic studies, by appropriate agencies and entities to produce evidence-based data on the effect(s) of radio frequency radiation on human health. If indicated, study findings should be used to revise and update public health standards for safe limits of human exposure to radio frequency radiation.”


Several PITTSFIELD residents become very ill when a cell tower is built and turned on in their neighborhood. Courtney Gilardi and other residents campaign to turn it off by educating local officials, successfully persuading the PITTSFIELD HEALTH BOARD to mandate removal with a cease and desist order. In May 2022, Verizon wireless sues in federal court before the town can sue for Verizon’s failure to abide by the order. The board withdraws the order due to inability to pay lawyer costs, as the city has not provided funds. Residents then sue the mayor, city lawyer, and Verizon. (Proposed order for cell tower removal prepared by Dafna Tachover, Esq., and Scott McCullough, Esq.)


EXPONENT, Inc., known as a PRODUCT DEFENSE CONSULTANCY for utilities, is hired by the city of FALMOUTH to review the MAYFLOWER WIND PROJECT, a set of onshore transmission facilities to interconnect up to 1,200 megawatts of renewable energy to the New England bulk power grid.

The draft report states of scientific and health agencies that, ‘None have concluded that either electric fields or magnetic fields cause or contribute to any adverse health effects… at the low exposure levels found in the environment.’ While failing to admit the norm for a chronic magnetic  field is around 0.5 milligauss, 2 milligauss thought high, and 10 milligauss is considered an acute exposure in the short term, the document promotes unusual exposure levels: ‘ICES recommends an exposure limit of 9,040 mG for the public…‘ As stated in the Bioinitative Report on childhood cancers, the scientific literature shows that cancer risks rise alongside increasing fields, and that when fields are at 3 milligauss chances of recovery from LEUKEMIA are minimal.

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Kirstin Beatty