
Hi, glad you are here! I hope you will consider helping to pass better laws with a focus on Massachusetts. Enjoy reading!

FYI TAG SALE – See here or scroll down to the first post to learn about an upcoming tag sale 12 October Saturday and perhaps 19 October, too. I’m helping downsize for my parents.


I’m working via Last Tree Laws on this petition and seek your support. A MA petition initiative gathers around 100,000 state voter signatures to allow voters a chance to vote on specific legislation with a ballot question. Here is the 2024 petition:

Limit Radiofrequency Radiation – approved in 2024 as described at lasttreelaws.com. This petition reduces wireless transmissions to only as needed, improves offline functionality, and does more as well while allowing wireless use to continue as most people need to communicate somehow. Why care? One reason is because in 2011 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radiofrequencies (e.g. wireless radiation) as a potential carcinogen (cancer causing), and since then, most of those scientists now say it is definitely carcinogenic – such as scientist Hardell or scientist and NIEHS administrator Portier.


Wireless History (Timeline)
Massachusetts WiFi-Electric Timeline
Massachusetts Legislation Timeline – RFR
Frequently Asked Questions (on Non-Ionizing Radiation)
Transparency Amendment for ‘Investigation’ S.186
Real Conflict of Interest Reporting
Mother’s Day Wireless Muse
Lab Proof: Wireless and Electricity Harm
Deadly Tumors & Wireless
Icky Economics of the Smart Grid, Electric Vehicles (EVs) – Testimony from the MA docket
Infertility, Wireless, & Electricity
Markey’s Sunrise & the Devil in Wireless
Dark Money Massachusetts: Education, Fiber, Environment
Schools: No One Left Standing
What Matters, Massachusetts!

Kirstin Beatty